Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm a big girl

Rae was hungry she couldn't wait for mommy
to change her diaper so she decided she was a
big girl and could hold her own bottle. She did
pretty good. So sweet!!

I love my Twin!!

Look closely Rae is not sucking on her fist.
I guess when all else fails and you can't find your
binki-use the next best thing or your sisters ;0)

Jump, Jump, Jumperoo

Rae absolutely loves her Jumperoo!! She
has the hang of it and if you tell her to jump
she does just that over and over and over...
too cute!!

Sleepin' through the night and then some

Riley has continued on her roll of sleeping through the night
last night she feel asleep at 7:00pm and didn't wake up until
7:45am. I couldn't believe it, I actually checked to make sure
she was breathing okay. She was one hungry little girl when
she woke up. That's mommy's little angel, now if we could
just get Rae to give it a try.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Chicken Dance

A girls favorite place...

Westfield Belden Village Mall, Saturday March 24 10:00p.m.-6:00a.m. The Girl Scouts 4th annual Mall Lock-In. How much fun!! Since the mall is one of my favorite places I thought how awesome this would be. It was a lot of fun. Five moms and six girls from our Daisy troop headed to the mall for a night of dancing, shopping, and just hanging out . There was also a movie. I am not sure how many girls were actually there in all but I do know that the max was 1000. It was crowded but bearable. The girls got a second wind around 2:00 and had no problems much to my surprise staying up until around 4:30 in the morning. The moms did pretty good too again to my surprise. The dancing was a blast. We actually started to sweat. I definitely think Chloe and I made memories. It was really nice to give her that special attention. The babies you ask?? Where were they?? Daddy kept them and Makenna home and let Kenna have a friend spend the night. Riley slept through the night again this would be her 4 or 5 night in a row but not Rae she still insists on a mid night snack. I reminded her that's probably why she weighs 10oz. more than The nurse came to give them their shots on Thursday and Riley weighed 12lbs. 15.5oz. and Reagan weighed 13lbs 10oz. They are really growing, I can't believe they are 6 1/2 months old. Wow!!

Friday, March 23, 2007


This is my neighbor/great friend Jill and her identical twin sister Heidi.
I totally agree with you Candice about seeing twins everywhere now. Jill and Heidi were
surprise twins. Their mother had no idea. Now that would be a
Anyway, you know me and my camera. If I see a photo op I'm all over it.
Jill and Heidi sound so much a like it is unbelievable!! They even have
the same great sense of humor. Thanks for letting me take a pic.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A fun email...

Four Things About Me Things you may not have known...

A) Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Secretary
2. Bank/Vault Teller, Back-up Supervisor
3. Screen Printer
4. Realtor
(I also worked at Wendy's for about a

B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Rocky (all of them)
2. Elf
3. City of Angels
4. Aquamarine (that's for my girls and believe me I have watched it over and

C) Four places I have lived:
1. W. Palm Beach, FL (born there)
2. Fort Walton Beach, FL
3. Akron, Oh
4. Orrville

D) Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Lost
2. Survivor
3. Extreme Home Makeover
4. Hero's -currently my favorite;0)

E) Four places I have been on vacation
1. Disney World
2. Panama City Beach, FL
3. New York (loved it!!)
4. Myrtle Beach (love, love, love it!)

F) 4 Foods I love to eat
1. Pizza
2. Steak
3. Ice Cream BABY
4. Chocolate

G) Four places I would like to be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. Florida
3. Hawaii
4. Florida

H) Four people I think will respond:
1. Janeen
2. Jessica
3. Candice
4. Lauri B.

DIRECTIONS: Now, here's what you're supposed to do.... and please do not spoil The fun. Paste and Copy; delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chloe's Slumber Party

"Happy Birthday Chloe"

Present time...Chloe loved them all!!

Every girl needs a manicure!!

A blanket for Haley (Chloe's AG doll)

(the girls working hard on their blankets)

Last night we had Chloe's birthday slumber party. Chloe really wanted a nintendo ds lite so she opted for the less expensive party so she could have a more expensive gift. The girls had a lot of fun we painted nails, made blankets for their dolls, watched a movie (Aquamarine), ate pizza and cake, and giggled A LOT!! It was a late night I think we actually laid down to go to sleep around 1:00 a.m. That didn't keep them from waking up at 8:00 this morning. Some people thought I was a little crazy having 10 little girls for a sleepover when my hubby had to work, I have to say thank you to my girl Jen. I couldn't have done it with out you!!! Thank you so much for all of your help, the girls' nails look GREAT. We could definitely go into the doll blanket making Your the best!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A day at the museum

The girls got cold just standing by

"The Lion King"

Caroline and Makenna loved reading all about the different dinosaurs.

(the ground shakes on this platform, the kids loved that)

Makenna's got the whole world in her hands

Look Mommy it's Sue!

Wednesday Makenna and her class took a field trip to the Natural History Museum, I was chosen to be a chaperon...I was so excited, it was a lot of fun. Josh and the babies tagged along (they did really well, no fussing in the museum good job babies). We got to see Sue, she's a T-Rex and was named after the archaeologist that discovered her bones. All the kids had a great time and were very well behaved. They loved seeing all the different dinosaurs and learning about space and nature. We had a great time. Thanks Mrs. Bowers for drawing my name.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Spring Program

Goodie Two Shoes!!

Yesterday I had my first official kindergarten program, it was a lot of fun. I got to have a speaking part, I didn't even get scared. I went right up to that microphone and said, "Does that mean you are all goodie two shoes?" My part was right after one of my very best friends part her name is Shadra. I practiced with my Mommy but I memorized it the first time. It was a piece of cake! Then my grandma Rita took us all out for ice cream, I love ice cream. Thank you Grandma. Chocolate dipped in chocolate is my favorite I always beg my Mommy and Daddy to take me and Kenna to Dairy Queen in the summer. It's yummy!! I can't wait to go visit my Papa Booder and Grandma Judy in Florida my Papa loves ice cream as much as me. Anyhow, I was very excited for my program we did it once during the day (after lunch) and then again in the evening. Daddy and Reagan and Riley came to see me during the day, then everyone came to see me at the night one. It was fun, I could do another probably when I go to first grade. Mommy tape me singing. I am in the front row I have on brown cords and a brown shirt with pink sleeves. I hope you like it.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

6 Months Already!!!

These little turkeys are getting harder and harder to photograph! They don't want to stay still at all and forget about giving Mommy a big smile for her picture-no way. I tried really hard to get a picture of them smiling together and after about 50 or so pictures (I am so not exaggerating) I came to the conclusion it wasn't gonna happen. Believe it or not they are very smiley babies, I can't prove it but they are. It's so hard to believe my angels are 6 months old!! They are such a blessing and are just so much fun. So these are the things they are doing. They are rolling over, talking all of the time, loving their toys especially their baby dolls , love their binki's, are eating rice cereal, are trying to sit up by lifting their heads and using their stomach muscles (almost like doing a crunch), they get off of their blanket but I'm not sure how I haven't witnessed them doing it, and are just very happy content babies. Thank you Lord!! It's not bad having twins but it can be challenging when they are both screaming, fortunately that doesn't happen too often. Oh and they are sleeping really good at night. They do wake up and want to eat usually once @ 4:30am or so but we have had nights were they have slept through. That I could get use to. I will admit I do sometimes check to make sure they are breathing, I can't help it. I am a worrier by nature. They have brought so much joy to our lives and we can't imagine not having them. Life is hectic but it is so rewarding.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Continue to pray for Maylee

A couple of days ago I ask that you pray for a little baby girl named Maylee. (Read below) Here's just a little update...Since being in the hospital Maylee has undergone two surgeries. That's a lot for anyone especially such a tiny thing. Maylee is a fighter though, she is doing much better and hopefully on the road to recovery and getting to come home soon. She is in the pediatric intensive care unit and will probably be there a couple more days. Maylee has had a couple of set backs since being in the hospital hence the second surgery. Please continue to pray for Maylee and her family. Pray that Maylee's little body can heal, and pray that God will continue to show his will through her recovery. Pray for Maylee's Mommy and Daddy ask the Lord to give them strength through this rough time. They are faithful people and can feel your prayers working for them. Check out Maylee's family site for more details.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Chloe turns 6

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!! It's so hard to believe you are 6, you're our little pips(one of many nicknames we have for you). You're such a wonderful little girl full of hugs and kisses anytime we need them. You love your baby sisters so much and adore your big sis Kenna. You are so smart you blow daddy and mommy away. The things you know, how well you read, the desire you have to learn(not many children learned to tie their shoes when they are 3). You can be anything you want. You never go to bed at night without giving all of us hugs and kisses!! You always wake up in the morning for school in such a good mood. You love your Grandma Rita so much, she loves how you call her anytime you feel like it even just to say, "I love you!" We are still amazed at how you learned her home and cell phone number by the time you were 4. Your my angel, truly a gift from God with so much love to give. Thank you Chlo for being born and being our little girl!!

We Love You,

Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A little test for fun

You Are Strawberry Cake

Fresh, sassy, and romantic.

You're a total flirt, who never would turn down a sugary treat.

Occasionally you're a bit moody - but you usually stay sweet!

Twins x's 4

Check this picture out!! Do you feel like you're seeing double??
It's okay if you are and if your not take a closer look. There are FOUR sets of twins in this picture. It was taken Sunday right after church in the lobby. How cool is that! Josh and I joke that it's in the water at our church, except no one told us that when we ;0). So look out Janeen you could be next! It's a blast, crazy sometimes but I wouldn't change a thing. The funny thing is that we could think of 3 more sets that aren't in the picture that also go to our church. Reagan and Riley are in the car seats to the left. Elizabeth and Lindsey are the oldest twins in the picture ( I think they are 17), and the boy/girl twins I don't remember their first names but their last name is Amstutz. The other baby twins in the car seats are name Riley and Charlie. I just met their mommy a few minutes before we decided to get a picture. I am so glad she had her camera!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Please Pray for Maylee

I have another prayer request!! Please take a moment and pray for little Maylee, she is one of the triplets that was born at Aultman when our babies where there in the NICU. Maylee was born at 25 weeks and was able to come home even before her due date. She and her brother Jakobi are quite the little fighters and have come such a long way. Maylee became sick this weekend and had to be admitted into Children's Hospital. Please pray that God will touch her and take this sickness away and pray that God can be with her Mommy and Daddy and help them get through this tough time. Pray that God gives them peace of mind to know that he is with Maylee now as he was before and how he always will be. Your prayers are powerful and they need them now. Thank You.

You can follow this link and read about Maylee and her family.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Our Weekend

Perfect Grandma vehicle 12 passenger. (Enough room for all the grand kids) She loved it!!

Josh and his Jeep!

Talking Robot-Kenna and Chloe loved it!

Jeep Obstacle Course

Daddy and his babies

How cool is this cop car!

Hold it up girls!!

Mommy's impression of Brittany Spears ;)

We went to the IX Center this weekend they were having their annual car show. We took all of the girls and Grandma Rita and Papa Dale came along. It was a lot of fun and the girls had a great time. Of course, Josh was all about the Jeep's so to say the least he was a little excited to see they had set up an obstacle course that you could drive on, over, and through. He was a bit disappointed when he saw that Jeep had drivers you could only ride as a passenger. I had a great opportunity to have a little fun and do a celebrity imitation. See if you can figure it The babies were great not a peep I think they really enjoyed all of the lights and pretty colors, and Makenna and Chloe especially loved the robot. Grandma Rita found a van that could hold all of her grandchildren. It had a 20" TV in it. Papa loved the mustangs, Josh was all about the Jeeps and here I am trying to find a new mini van lol. I need room I have 4 children!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Cookie Booth

We gave it a try but didn't have much success.
Chloe and Darian held a cookie booth @ Hollywood Video
at the Strip in Canton. The girls were so cute as they
asked each customer that came in if they would like to
buy some girl scout cookies. We were there
for 3 hours and only sold 22 boxes. I guess we now know
a Saturday afternoon is not a good time. Just not
a busy time for a video store. We still have had a great
first year in sales, I believe we are right around 1300
boxes. That will definitely get them a trip to build-a-bear. We
held a booth at a local restaurant and sold 8o something boxes
so we can't complain. I proud of all of our girls.


Reagan and Riley are on to solids. The babies have had
their first taste of rice cereal and they are liking it!!
They are still trying to figure out how to keep it in their mouths
but I am impressed at how well they are doing. It's so cute
they open their mouths when they see the spoon coming...I love that!