Favorite Gifts
We had a very Merry Christmas in the Hunt House. This was the first year the big girls got up early...and when I say early I mean EARLY. I remember hearing Chloe at around 1:00am going into her room and waking Kenna. She said, "Kenna he CAME!!!" I didn't want to take a way from their excitement so I stayed in bed and eventually fell back to sleep. When Josh got off work at 7:00am the girls were up and hanging out on the couch waiting....um, patiently?? He actually told them to go back to sleep for at least an hour and then we could open presents. They did not/could not go back to sleep. So we got up and got the babies up, who were still asleep and began opening presents. I think Kenna and Chloe had studied them because they knew just by the size of the package who's was who's.
(Grandma Rita and Papa Dale got it for her)
I'll try to post more pics with the gifts not in boxes...I was not on my game with the picture takin' thing. It was a late night assembling and wrapping last minute gifts.
Not pictured was Josh with his awesome had no idea was getting one of those gifts: his Wii! We have had a blast with that let me tell you. My arm is killing me but I bowled a 233 today...wahoo! Thank you so much Rita we ALL love it. I also loved all of my clothes...they were PERFECT, and I'm not just saying that cuz you let me pick them out ;0)!!
**We also bought the girls a table and chairs set so their kitchen is complete, now I just need to get on the whole painting the playroom thing**
...I still can't decide what colors or what design. :0(
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