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We are now home. Chloe is quite an amazing little girl if I do say so myself. She has been so brave through this whole thing. The surgery took approximately an hour and was unfortunately more invasive than the doctor had hoped. They had to make an incision and put two long pins in her elbow to reattach the bone. She broke part of the growth plate so there was no other choice. The doctor said the surgery went well and that he would cast her arm next week when she has her post op appointment. So far she hasn't been in too much pain but that could be in large part to the two doses of morphine they gave her. She has been snacking and coloring a little (one of her most favorite things to do). Thank you all for your prayers...I'm glad this day is almost over.
Chloe, Rachel & Josh,
You have been in our thoughts and prayers all day. Please, please, please let us know if there is anything we can do. Chloe, Lauren has been thinking of you as well, and wishes you a speedy recovery. :o)
BIG Hugs,
p.s. sorry if this shows twice, I kinda messed up the first comment.
Great job, Chloe!!! We are proud of you. Hope that you are feeling better real soon!!! When you are up to visitors let us know....we would love to sign that pink cast later!!!! Love you!
Glad to know Chlo is doing ok.. I have been so out of the loop that I was shocked to see the post. My heart goes out to you all.. I know it kills ya inside when your baby gets hurt or they're sick..
and I have to say this.. Now I know why you have such BEAUTIFUL kids.. You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The pic of you and chlo in the hospital is the first time I have seen a pic of you.. and I always comment to my other friends that read your blog too that you daughters are so pretty.. I know where they get there looks from.. :)
Hang in there Chlo.. You will be bouncing around again soon..
Hugs from us in Mass
....i LIKE morphine!!!
It's great that our kids are sooo resilient!
It's hard to see them go through something so major like a surgery. She's one tough cookie, though!!
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