Exhibit A and B
Why the babies are NOT allowed on the couch... Reagan and Riley LOVE to get up on the couch with us. However, most of the time we don't let them because they are not content to sit on our laps they want to climb, stand, and crawl all around. They do know how to get down it's just they are so excited to be up there they don't realize how close they come to the edge. I like to prevent falls from above ground as much as possible.
*Which brings me to this next subject. The other day the babies were down for a nap so I was doing some housework and heard a huge *boom* of course my first thought is the big girls except they were in the basement with me, can't be Josh he's sleeping...OH NO! Yep, I ran upstairs when the crying began, Reagan got/fell out of her crib. What?! She is only 15 months, her crib mattress is all the way down. How in the world could this happen? My poor baby. Well, of course I looked everywhere to see red a.k.a injury site. Nothing...I'm a worrier by nature and when it comes to my kids it's magnified immensely. I was on my way to the hospital just for peace of mind when Josh and I decided maybe we should give her a little time and see how she acts. Within a few minutes of cuddling she was back to herself. A short time later a red mark appeared on the side of her forehead. My little baby, I felt so bad. Okay now what. I don't know how it happened so how do I prevent it from happening again? We took out the bumper pad thinking maybe just maybe that gave her just enough umpf. When I went to put her to bed that night I stood her in her crib to see where the rail came on her. It was at her SHOULDERS! Today when I had her in her crib getting her and Riley dressed I saw her try to climb up the rail again. She was barefoot and could actually get leverage. So no more barefooted babies in bed. In the meantime I think I might be on the look out for something for earlier climbers. They are way too little for toddler beds. Anyone else out there have a similar problem? I'd love suggestions!
Hi, you don't know me but I read your blog all the time--your girls are precious! I saw your blog off my sister in law's blog. Silvia. Anyhow, my 15month old son did the same thing and I was so worried and he was too young for a toddler bed as well. My pediatrician told me about this product. At first I thought it was cruel but it's wonderful and makes me sleep better knowing he's safe. Hope it helps!
Yikes...a crib jumper! We have crib tents on all of the cribs and I love them. Piece of mind that they aren't going anywhere:)
Funny, i was gonna recommend the one step ahead crib tent. Fortunately Eli hasn't tried to climb out of his crib yet, but i fear the day he does! We have hard wood flooring in his room. Poor reagan!
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