New Name
Okay, so I need to think of another name for our blog. I have been thinking about it a lot lately and I've decided (after someone mentioned it) that maybe people are coming across my blog simply for the title and possibly thinking it could be about something other than raising 4 daughters. After first I thought "no, ewww that's gross no way would our blog simply by title alone be confused for say some other maybe distasteful site". But alas with the feedjit on the side bar I've noticed visits directed from google searches. Maybe people are googling something that I've titled a post about (very possible) but just to put my mind at ease it's gonna change. I wanna think of something cute and clever but I'm comin' up blank. This is were you could come in. Any suggestions/ideas? Don't be could be fun. After all people often ask for ideas when naming their babies so I need a little help too. You could leave it anonymously. Just keep it clean ;0). Okay, so don't be surprised in the next couple of days if you click on my blog and the name is changed.