Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Girls

Our church is putting out a new directory so we finally got some family pictures taken. We had to have at least one of our 4 girls together. I thought it turned out pretty good. Reagan and Riley didn't smile ... but at least they are looking at the camera. We are going Saturday to have their 1yr. pictures taken. I am praying that goes well, they have runny noses...YUK!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pimp My Ride...

(I have no idea where Riley got the whole talking on her cell phone while driving thing...oops!!;0)

Okay so my big girls are pretty creative...and they sure love their baby sisters. Well surprise, surprise we were getting low on diapers and had to make a special trip to the grocery store. Well, we don't just buy the run of the mill bag ... are you kidding that would last oh maybe two three days tops. We always buy the box-jumbo, mega whatever they call it. That lasts us maybe if we're lucky a week and a half. Anyway, the big girls love the boxes. Chloe even made a lost in found box for our house out of one (it's was really cute, she had just started kindergarten and they had one at school). Lately, they have wanted to make "cars" for the babies out of the boxes so they can "drive" them around. Well, Momma doesn't like a lot of extra clutter as we have more than our fair share but atlast I gave in. The girls decided they wanted to "pimp the babies rides" (a car show on MTV) so they got out their crayons and went to work. Then they put their babies in their newly made over "cars" and took them for a little *spin*. The babies loved it and even attempted to be little dare devils and stand up in them. I must be loosing up because normally they would've been in the recycling bin the next day but instead they are "parked" in the corner of my already crowded living room. They're only young once right?! And they put their heart in soul into them. So for now I am enjoying my girls being little and getting so much joy out of simple little things. My house can be perfect in about 18 years!!...Maybe :0)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Who Am I Casting Crowns

I received this in an email and I knew right away I wanted to post it!! Thanks Elf, I love it!! It's AWESOME!!!!

My Sweet Babies

Piggy Tales

lOOk we have piggy tales!!

I love my sister!!

My and Riley we have a packed~we only give kisses to each other!! Mommy snapped this picture on second too soon and we didn't feel like doing it again. Sorry Mommy maybe next time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cute Pic

Riley and Reagan looking oh so fashionable in their Old Navy skinny jeans for babies.

Our Weekend

Can you say, "High School Musical 2?" This was a lot of what our Friday and Saturday consisted of. Makenna and Chloe absolutely loved High School Musical and could not wait for the second!! So Friday night Chloe was invited to a sleepover/movie premier of High School Musical 2 and Makenna had friends over to watch with her. I will admit I too really like the first one and my take on the second was the first was definitely better. It was still cute though. The girls loved it!! Saturday our YMCA had a screening and had popcorn and drinks and a drawing for prizes. It was a lot of fun next time I think I'll get a sitter for the twins though. They did not want to sit in their stroller and watch the movie. Not when there was lots of popcorn and drinks on the floor they could spill! It was a lot of fun and the girls really enjoyed it. Oh yeah...and it was FREE!!

The first day of school

"Chloe through the years"
"Preschool 05-06"


"1st grade"


"Makenna through the years"


"1st grade"

"2nd grade"

"3rd grade"

" 4th grade"

....and so we begin a new school year. It seems like the girls just got out of school for the summer. All of the plans of getting together with friends, hanging out at the pool, going to the drive-in...some of the things I was really looking forward to. Were did the time go??? It seems like time is just going way too fast. I am really trying to savor this time with my girls being young and so into spending time with Mommy. It just occurred to Josh and I the other day that Kenna still calls us Mommy and Daddy. That is something you take for granted. Most children I notice her age are on to Mom and Dad. I love being called Mommy. I love that my girls like to cuddle and watch movies with me. They love to have conversations with me about their friends, about school, about their thoughts, about when I was a little girl. I cannot believe how fast our children are growing up. Have you ever noticed how when your out in public and older people talk to you about your children they always say, "before you know it they'll be all grown up." It's so true. If the next nine years go as fast as the last nine, Makenna will be off to college before we know it. I don't even want to think about that. I remember her very first day of school, I got a little teary eyed and now she's in 4th grade, WOW!! My Chlo is a 1st grader, how can that be?! I just know I want to treasure this time with my girls.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Look at Rae Rae's new trick

A few misc. baby pics

Who's Who??
Not liking the grass so much
What baby wants baby gets!
(that's what their shirts say)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another milestone

The girls having some fun in the pool

Pastor Daryl telling the children how excited he is to have them in Jr. Worship

Chloe and Pastor Daryl

Last Sunday after church there was a special graduation swim for the kindergartner's soon to be first graders. At our church when you start first grade you move up from the children's ministry classes to Jr. Church. Chloe is so excited about being with Makenna and have Daryl as her pastor. All of the kids love him! So often Makenna gets so excited when we pick her up from her class she can't wait to tell us what she learned. They also had a cookout for the soon to be first graders and their families and then presented all the kids with their very own bible. Chloe informed me she needs a cover for her bible because she wants to keep it nice. Just another milestone showing me my babies are growing up!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

11 Months

This picture was taken this morning. Just for reference their pj's are size 6-9mo. I had their feet measured for walking shoes they are both size 1.5. Do they make walking shoes that little??

"Riley Addison"

"Reagan Brooke"

(doesn't Rae look like such a big girl in this picture)

Oh how can it be!?! I am blown away that our little ones are almost a year old. They are so much fun. They sure are keeping us busy. Reagan and Riley have decided to grow up overnight. They cruise around furniture, stand up and let go which they are getting pretty good at. Reagan says daddy not just dada, if you ask her if she smells something she'll's really cute. She eats very well and is not picky what so ever. She sleeps very well at night and usually doesn't wake up until 9:30-10:00. She loves to play and get into everything and she loves to cuddle. Riley is very much like her big sister. She says dada and uh-oh, she too sleeps well her and Rae are on the same schedule, she too loves to eat and is not picky. She loves to play and also get into everything. She is a very happy baby she giggles and smiles all of the time. Reagan does too. Really they are VERY much alike. They both will give kisses but only to their baby dolls or stuffed animals. They do not like if we walk out of the room they love when their big sisters give them attention. They scheme together...the other day we walked out of the room to come back and see they had gotten the lid off of their puffs spilled them on the floor and then proceeded to eat them. They open drawers and cabinets on our entertainment center and pull things out. Like I said they keep us busy but we love almost every minute of it. I wish the time wasn't flying by so fast but it is so exciting to see all of the new things they are learning!! Okay, so with their 1st birthday just a month away I need some cool party ideas...any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I really want to play up the TWIN thing!!

Oreo Babies

Now that the babies are getting older we have been introducing them more and more to table food. You know like bananas, green beans, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, mac and cheese ... Oreos.

Here's Riley with her Oreo before...

and after...

Reagan with her Oreo before...

and after...

It wasn't too horrible of a mess. I did have their bath water ran and everything ready for them to go straight from the highchair to the tub. Including stripping them down to their diapers before giving them their cookies!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

In case you were wondering...

Mingle2 - Dallas Singles

I came across a blog (randomly, meaning I do not know them) and they were a rated R blog...interesting...but why you ask??? No it did not seem to have sexual content nor bad language. So...out of curiosity I clicked on it and you don't get to rate it yourself you put in your site and it gives you your rating. Apparently, I have only mentioned death once and pain five times. That qualifies me for a G rating. My mom would be so proud!! ;0)

twins, twins, and more twins

**Side note on the Twins festival**

This couple has 3 set of identical twins!! There was a show about them on Discovery Health that I watched while I was pregnant with our babies. They live in Baltimore and came for the twins festival. It was really neat to see them and talked to them in person. Their babies were born 4 months premature due to their condition but are doing extremely well.

Monday, August 6, 2007

We were seeing DDOOUUBBLLEE!!

Well, we did it and I think we have started a new tradition!! We took the babies to their first Twins Day Festival. It was truly a blast. Josh and I thought it was so amazing the connection that complete strangers have. Everyone was so friendly and talkative...which is a stretch for me...hehehe. Okay if you know me at all you know I could probably talk to just about anyone. The weather was but there were a lot of trees so that really helped. There was a talent show, food trailers, craft vendors -the big girls got some really cute flip flops. There were also informative booths, support booths for things like TTTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome), they were even offering free Genetic Testing for zygocity. So many people had cameras and would ask to take a picture of the babies which would seem very uncomfortable in any other setting but there it was as normal as saying hello. We met twins from all over...Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan just to name a few. There were contests for most alike, most different, farthest traveled, oldest and youngest. It's hard to put into words how awesome an experience it is to see so many twins. I would definitely encourage anyone who has ever thought about going to do it. It is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday which is kicked off with a parade Saturday morning. Friday's festivities are just for registered twins/multiples. We loved it and as you can see from the video the babies were exhausted by the time we left.

Strangers like us!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Update on Chloe

It's been a tough week for Chloe, she has been in a lot of pain. It has been very trying and she has not done well with all!! I feel so bad for her, I wish I could take the pain for her. She hasn't complained much but you can see it in her little eyes. We have been keeping her medicated around the clock, it does seem to help you can really tell when she's due for her next dose. Today was the first day she could try to eat solids. It started with oatmeal which she did extremely well with, then some mac and cheese...she was really starting to get hungry. We have every kind of popsicle, jello, ice cream, pudding, yogurt that you could imagine and she has hardly touched any of it. She says it just hurts too bad. This evening things started looking up. She wanted to play a little, she's been playing Uno and Memory with her big sis. Kenna has been a trooper she has really tried to help Chloe out she waits on her hand and foot. I think Chloe is really missing eating chicken nuggets and cereal those are her favorite and she has to be on this "special" diet for 2 weeks. Nothing hard or crunchy. Josh and I told her that she can pick where ever she wants to eat when she is all better!!

We're going to TWINSBURG

(If you click to enlarge this photo you can see Riley's teeth- Reagan has the same two but it's not easy getting a picture of their *pearly *whites*)

This weekend is The Annual Twins Festival in Twinsburg, OH. Now that we have our little Reagan and Riley we decided that it would be really cool to go. When we found out that we were expecting twins so many people told us we should go to the Twinsburg Festival that they had been and it truly is a great time! I check the stats and last year there was 2064 sets of registered see it's not just for twins it's for any multiples. You do not have to register to go so the true count was much higher. I'll be sure to take my camera and post all about know I wouldn't let you down :0) !!!