Wednesday, April 30, 2008


that's the number of pictures i took with my new camera in one day. my hubby said i should really go through and delete some before i download them on our computer and use up all of our memory. would i do that???


Malena said...

How exciting to have a new camera!
I am so thankful to hear that I am not alone in this crazy time - as we get in to the terrible twos. I just went to our Friday play group this morning, it took like 40 minutes before mine totally started behaving badly and the other moms were just shaking their heads like, oh my god, thank god I only have one kind of stare!
Have a great weekend!

The Ski's said...

You are hilarious. Enough said!!

Anonymous said...

To have taken 232 Pictures with your new camera and have only posted a couple since April 30, is NOT GOOD! I need pictures! It's the closest I can come to get my "Hunt Fix." So, get uploading!!
