Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reagan learns to sign


Malena said...

I love how your dog is desperately trying to get in there to get a Cheerio. Before you know it, the puppy's going to sign for ya! ;)
What a smart little girl Reagan is!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Yeah, that doggie is funny! What a smart lil' girl! Hope you are all doing well.

Allie & Abby said...

very cute! i just love checking out your blog! i know you can't say the same for ours. :)

Casey's trio said...

Just found you through triplet mama's blog...Two of my girls are named Makena and Riley also(we've got great taste)! We used signs with our girls and it has been a lifesaver. They had an explosion of signs at about 18 months, so keep it up even if they only do 2 or 3 in the beginning!
"please" and "more" were the other 2 signs they picked up early.